Workshop Autumn 2023: Director’s liability

Questions for discussion:

1. The system of director’s liability in insolvency proceedings (e.g. whether there is a specific liability rule. If not, is there a need for one?)

2. Duty of care and duty of loyalty in relation to insolvency and the restructuring process

3. Which directors are liable in the insolvency phase (e.g. shadow directors)

4. What are the typical liability situations in judicial practice

5. Whether there are differences with the general phenomena of directors liability. For example, the legal basis, the extent of the liability (Hungarian law, for example, uses presumptions of liability to facilitate proof, presuming liability for certain conduct)

6. Is there a trend in the developement of the jurisprudence or legislature (significant changes, scope of persons liable)

7. The relation to the piercing of the corporate veil doctrine

8. De lege ferenda assessment of judicial practice and literature on these liability issues.

Conference 2021: Duty of Care in Company Law – Basic Issues

Prague, Charles University, Faculty of Law, Department of Business Law

Date: Friday, November 26th 2021 Format: Hybrid

09:00 – 09:10

Opening of the conference: Assoc. Professor Daniel Patěk (Head of Department of Business Law, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Czech Republic)

09:10 – 11:00

PANEL I. Chair: Assoc. Professor Kateřina Eichlerová

(Charles University, Czech Republic)

09:10 – 09:30

Professor Emőd Veress and Pál Előd
(Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law, Budapest): Duty of Care in Company Law in Romania

09:30 – 9:50

Professor Bartłomiej Gliniecki

(University of Gdańsk, Poland): Duty of Care in Company Law in Poland

9:50 – 10:10

Professor Tekla Papp and Assoc. Professor Ádám Auer
(National University of Public Service, Hungary): Duty of Care in Company Law in Hungary

10:10 – 10:30

Professor Mária Patakyová

(Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia):

Duty of Care in Company Law in Slovakia

10:30 – 11:00 Discussion 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 – 13:30

PANEL II. Chair: Professor Emőd Veress

(Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law, Budapest)

11:30 – 11:50

Professor Branko Malagurski

(Faculty for European Legal and Political Studies, Novi Sad, Serbia): Duty of Care in Company Law in Serbia

11:50 – 12:10

Professor Edvardas Juchnevicius

(Gdansk University, Poland): Duty of Care in Company Law in Lithuania

12:10 – 12:30

Assoc. Professor Kateřina Eichlerová and Assoc. Professor Lucie Josková (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic):
Duty of Care in Company Law in the Czech Republic

12:30 – 12:50

Professor Martin Winner (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria): Duty of Care in Company Law in Austria

12:50 – 13:30

Discussion and closing remarks

Workshop 2019: Mandatory and Default Regulation in Company Law

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, 29 March 2019, 9.30 a.m.

General topics for discussion:

  • How do you determine whether a rule is default or mandatory in your legal system?
  • Is there a difference between rules affecting third parties and rules with effect only between the members?
  • Does academic discourse / do judicial decisions on the issue reflect on the function of company law or of the specific rule when deciding whether it is mandatory?
  • Who checks if a derogation is possible?
  • Is there a difference between private / public ltd. companies? What about partnerships?
  • Has the approach become more liberal / more restrictive over the last years? What are the reasons for such a development (if any)?
  • Have Corporate Governance Codes taken over the role of default law lately?
  • If / where company law is mandatory, can the parties find contractual solutions in areas not explicitly regulated by company law?
  • Can you avoid mandatory rules via shareholders’ agreement? Is this done in practice?

Specific topics:

  • Mandatory law in transferability of shares in a private limited company
  • Mandatory or default rules on the appointment of directors

Conference 2018: Consortium in Central and Eastern Europe

Gdansk University, Faculty of Law and Administration

November 8, 2018, Thursday

Arrival of the Participants
19,00 Dinner

November 9, 2018, Friday
10,00 Opening of the conference
Welcome and Opening – Professor Jakub Stelina, Dean

10,10-11,30 PANEL I.
Chair: Professor Dorota Maśniak (Gdansk University, Poland)

Professor Martin Winner (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria): Consortium Regulation – General Issues / Consortium Regulations – the Austrian and German Experience
Professor Tekla Papp and Associate Professor Ádám Auer (National University of Public Service, Hungary): Consortium Regulations in Hungary
Professor Emőd Veress (Sapientia University, Romania): Consortium Regulations in Romania

11,30-12,00 Coffee break

12,00-13,00 PANEL II.
Chair: Professor Joanna Kruczalak – Jankowska (Gdansk University, Poland)

Associate Professor Kateřina Eichlerová (Charles University, Czech Republic): Consortium Regulations in Czech Republic
Professor Branko Malagurski (Educons University, Serbia): Consortium Regulations in Serbia
Professor Szymon Byczko (University of Lodz, Poland) and Associate Professor Bartłomiej Gliniecki: Consortium Regulations in Poland

13,00-13,30 Coffee break

13,30-14,30 PANEL III.
Chair: Professor Martin Winner (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria):
Associate Professor Edvardas Juchnevicius (Gdansk University, Poland): Consortium Regulations in Lithuania
Professor Maria Patakyova (Comenius University, Slovakia): Consortium Regulations in Slovakia
PhD. Student Dimitar Atanassov (University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria): Consortium Regulations in Bulgaria

14,30-15,00 Lunch break (buffet lunch)

15,00-16,30 Organizational meeting of the Societas Network, establishing the working agenda for 2019

17,30 Dinner
20,00 Jazz concert

November 10, 2018, Saturday
Departure of the Participants

Conference: Arbitrability of Company Law Disputes in Central and Eastern Europe

Sapientia University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Department of Law, Calea Turzii no. 4

Cluj-Napoca, October 20, 2017


October 19, 2017, Thursday

Arrival of the Participants

19,00 Dinner

October 20, 2017, Friday

09,00 Opening of the conference

09,00-10,00 PANEL I.

Chair: Prof. Tibor Várady (Central European University, Budapest)

Prof. Csongor István Nagy (University of Szeged): Arbitrability of company law disputes: a comparative patchworking

Prof. Martin Winner (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien): Arbitrability of Company Law Disputes – the Austrian and German Experience

10,00-10,30 Coffe break

10,30-11,30 PANEL II.

Chair: Prof. Tibor Várady (Central European University, Budapest)

Kateřina Eichlerová (Charles University, Prague): The Arbitrability of Corporate Disputes in the Czech Republic

Prof. Tekla Papp, Zóra Zsófia Lehoczki (National University of Public Service, Budapest): Arbitration in Hungary and its role in resolving corporate law disputes

11,30-12,00 Coffe break

12,00-13,00 PANEL III.

Chair: Prof. Csongor István Nagy (University of Szeged)

Edvardas Juchnevicius (Gdansk University): The Arbitrability of Corporate Disputes in Lithuania

Kaja Zaleska-Korziuk (Gdansk University): The Arbitrability of Corporate Disputes in Poland

13,00-14,00 Lunch break (buffet lunch)

14,00-15,00 PANEL IV.

Chair: Prof. Martin Winner (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)

Prof. Dorota Maśniak (Gdansk University): The Arbitrability of Financial Market Disputes in Poland

Prof. Branko Malagurski (Educons University, Novi Sad): The Arbitrability of Companies Disputes in Serbia

15,00-15,30 Coffe break

15,30-16,30 PANEL V.

Chair: Prof. Martin Winner (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)

Michal Hrušovský (Comenius University, Bratislava): The Arbitrability of Corporate Disputes in Slovakia

Prof. Emőd Veress (Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca): Arbitrability of Company Law Disputes in Romania

16,30-18,00 Organisational meeting of the Societas Network, establishing the working agenda for 2018

19,00 Dinner

October 21, 2017, Saturday

Departure of the Participants

The Conference is open to the public. Registration will start on September 1, 2017.

Conference partners:

Conference: Corporate governance of state-owned enterprises in CEE

14 October 2016 9.30 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.

National University of Public Service, Ludovika Campus, Hunyadi Hall (1083, Budapest, Ludovika tér 2, Hungary)


9:30–9:40 Welcome and Opening

Norbert KIS, Professor, Vice-Rector for Continuing Education and International Affairs, National University of Public Service

9:40–10:20 Keynotes

State as Owner – The State and SOEs Relations in Hungary – Anita BOROS, Associate Professor, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of National Development responsible for asset management

Autonomy and Independence in SOEs – Martin WINNER, Professor, Vienna University of Economics and Business, president of the Societas – Central and Eastern European Company Law Research Network


10:20–10:40 Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in the Czech Republic – Kateřina EICHLEROVÁ, Assistant Professor, Charles University in Prague

10:40–11:00 Current Fundamental Changes of the Ownership Policy and Remuneration in Poland – Kaja ZALESKA-KORZIUK, Research and teaching assistant, University of Gdańsk and Bartłomiej GLINIECKI, Post-doctoral fellow, University of Gdańsk

11:00–11.20 OECD Principles of Corporate Governance in the Light of Lithuanian Law – Edvardas JUCHNEVICIUS, Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk

11:20–11:40 Discussion

11:40–12:00 Break

12:00–12:20 Challenges of Serbian Public Enterprises in the Light of Points C and F of OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises – Branislav MALAGURSKI, Professor, Educons University, Novi Sad

12:20–12:40 The State’s Role as Owner of Enterprises: Mandatory Rules of Corporate Governance in Romania – Emőd VERESS, Professor, Sapientia University

12:40–13:00 Corporate Governance in State-owned Companies in Hungary – Tekla PAPP, Professor, National University of Public Service and Ádám AUER, Assistant Professor National University of Public Service

13:00–13:40 Discussion
13:40– Farewell Reception

Free registration is open until: October 4, 2016.

Organised by the Societas – Central and Eastern European Company Law Research Network in cooperation with the National University of Public Service.






Workshop: Corporate governance of state-owned enterprises in CEE

University of Gdansk, Faculty of Law and Administration, Bażynskiego 6, Hall of the Faculty Council

February 11, 2016



12.45 – 13.00 Welcome Address

13:00 – 13:20 Corporate governance in state-owned enterprises and the European Union: Legislative Developments, Dr. Emöd Veress, Sapientia University Cluj- Napoca, Romania

13:20 – 13:40 Corporate governance in state-owned enterprises in Hungary, Prof. Dr Tekla Papp, National University of Public Service, Hungary Dr Adȧm Auer National University of Public Service, Hungary

13:40 – 14:00 Corporate governance in state-owned enterprises in Poland, Prof. Dr Dorota Masniak, University of Gdansk, Poland, Kaja Zaleska-Korziuk University of Gdansk, Poland

14:00 – 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 – 14:50 Corporate governance in state-owned enterprises in Romania, Dr. Emőd Veress, Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

14:50- 15:10 Corporate governance in state-owned enterprises in Lithuania, Dr. Edvardas Juchnevicius, University of Gdansk, Poland

15:10 – 15:30 General Discussion


Workshop in Gdansk.

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